Review of the LS2 Valiant FF399 motorcycle crash helmet

Review of LS2’s flip-over polycarbonate modular helmet.

If you’ve ever checked out the Shark Evoline or Shark Evo-one 2 modular helmets, you might find there’s more than a passing resemblance with the LS2 Valiant.

Not only is the design pretty similar, but the Valiant is also ECE dual-homologated flip-up helmet too – where the chin bar rotates right to the back of the helmet to give more of a proper three quarters helmet feeling.

And like the two Sharks, the Valiant has a thermoplastic shell – LS2 calls it a Kinetic Polymer Alloy but don’t be confused – it’s still a polycarbonate shelled helmet.

LS2 Valiant Avant – works well as a full face as well as open face helmet

The Valiant is designed for regular road riders and commuters – so track riders should look elsewhere (like in our sportsbike helmets section).

It took Shark a few goes to make their helmets really work – so we find out if LS2 have got it right first time by discovering what owners think of their Valiants. And we uncover what features you can expect if you decide to buy one.

  • Polycarbonate modular helmet
  • Dual Homologated
  • DOT and ECE certified
  • SHARP 4 Star safety rated (ECE helmet)
  • Drop down sun visor
  • Class one optical shield
  • Long oval fitment
  • 3.75lbs (1.7Kg) – avg weight
  • Sizes XS-XXXL
  • Expect to pay $300-$370

Looking to buy an LS2 Valiant?

Please click below to visit the LS2 Valiant helmets pages at one of our recommended stores and Amazon. And if you buy from either store, we get a small sum from the sale at no extra cost to you – a massive THANKS! (it’s how we finance the site).

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(more about helmet safety)

To cut to the chase, we’d expect the LS2 Valiant to give reasonable protection in an accident.

It hasn’t been Snell tested, but looking at the UK SHARP test data, their average score for a tested LS2 polycarbonate helmet is 3 stars out of 5. Which is pretty OK.

LS2 Valiant Sharp 8.5ms impact test results
LS2 Valiant 8.5ms impact test result (ECE helmet) courtesy of

Until recently, there was only one LS2 modular helmet tested by SHARP. That’s the LS2 Strobe and that scored 3 stars for safety plus a 100% score for number of times the chin bar stayed locked during testing; which is obviously an excellent score.

Now though, the Valiant has been SHARP tested where it scored an overall 4 stars for safety and its chin bar stayed locked 97% of the time – which is an overall great score for a modular.

But don’t forget, that’s a European ECE helmet that was tested, not DOT – and we can’t be certain they’re identical helmets.

The Valiant is both DOT (US) and ECE 22-05 (EU) certified so it’s passed the thorough ECE testing regime, which is good to know. It’s also been both P & J certified in Europe, meaning that it’s been approved to work as both a full face and open face helmet – so you can ride with the chin bar open and round the back of the helmet legally in ECE countries.

Rear view of the LS2 Valiant in chrome with chin bar closed

In the US, the Valiant comes with a LS2 Fog Fighter prepared anti-fog face shield that’s also a wide shield to give decent extra peripheral visibility to spot hazards approaching.

And a drop down sun visor is always a great idea to stop you getting caught out and dazzled by the sun.

And while the Valiant is only made in two shell sizes (which isn’t the best for fitment or, arguably, for safety) it does use a multi-density polystyrene lining to offer more progressive shock absorption during an impact.

Finally on safety, the Valiant is fastened using a micrometric 2 chin strap – that’s a micrometric fastener with a metal ratchet instead of the old plastic version.

All in all, we’d expect the LS2 Valiant to give decent impact protection.

For other helmets that have proven they’ll give superior impact protection in the Snell test, look here. Or for helmets that’ve scored well in either the SHARP safety testing labs or Snell, you might want to check out our safest helmets pages.

Helmet Noise

(more about helmet noise)

From owner feedback, it seems like we’re gonna have to score the LS2 Valiant about average quietness for a modular helmet.

Dual homologated with a chin bar to rotates to the rear of the helmet

Modulars are generally noisier than the equivalent full face helmet – it seems mostly because the mechanism for that articulating chin bar either creates space for turbulence to get in and/or because it means there’s less room for noise-cancelling padding.

That’s what a couple of Valiant owners thought causes the noise in the Valiant too, though a couple also said that opening the vents lets noise in but closing them off makes the Valiant impressively quiet.

But as always, noise is a very subjective thing, and we did find several owners who think their Valiants are really quiet, as well as others saying it’s really noisy.

If you’re coming to a Valiant from a full face helmet, expect it to be a bit noisier than you’re used to, and wear some decent ear plugs. Do that and we reckon that most riders will be fine with noise suppression in the Valiant (and most other modulars).


(more about helmet ventilation)

There’s a useful chin vent with a 2 way open/close slider covering it that gives venting to the back of the visor. There’s also a crown vent, again with a 2 way slider covering it, that’s designed take air through the helmet shell and push it into channels inside the helmet to cool the top of your head.

At the back, there’s four separate exhaust vents to help pull that warm, stale air out of the helmet, making room to let more fresh air in.

Front view showing wide shield and front vents

That’s all fine, but looking inside the helmet, there’s not a whole lot of chance for air in the air channels to make its way through the comfort lining and get air to your head. Where most makers put large cut-aways or mesh panels into the lining to allow air through, the Valiant’s liner is much more solid.

Owners of the Valiant reckon the chin vent works well but the head vent less well – with owners rating head ventilation around average. Which is not so much of a problem for those of us riding in cooler states, but might be a problem if you’re somewhere hotter.

Though of course, with the Valiant you’ve always got the option of having the chin bar up for a while to cool down!

Face Shield

 (more about shields)

The shield on the Valiant is a class A optically correct shield (meaning it’ll be distortion free). It works on a ratchet and has the opening tab top-center, which can take a bit of getting used to.

It’s also a wide shield for extra peripheral vision (good) and in the US it’s Fog Fighter anti-fog prepared (in Europe it comes Pinlock-ready with a Pinlock Max Vision anti-fog insert in the box).

Sun visor down and Pinlock visor raised

So, LS2 ticks lots of boxes with the shield on the Valiant, and that translates to lots of owners saying the shield system works very well.

Sun Visor

(more about sun visors)

There’s a useful drop down sun visor in the Valiant, operated by a slider along the bottom left rim of the helmet – that’s a handy place to locate it and usually the best place to make it easy to find when riding.

Sometimes you find sun visors are a bit light and leave a stripe of bright light at the bottom which some folks find annoying, but the word on the sun visor on the Valiant is that it’s nice and dark and drops down low.

Chin Guard

(more about chin guards)

Like other helmets where the chin guard rotates round to the back of the helmet, the movement of unlocking and pushing up the chin guard on the Valiant opens the faceshield  and moves it out of the way of the guard.

The chin guard then rotates to the back of the helmet where it stays in place through gravity alone (i.e. it doesn’t lock in place). Owners say the unlocking and rotation of the chin guard is effortless and smooth.

With chin bar fully rotated, the Valiant works well as an open face helmet

It can be done easily with one hand, though it’s worth saying while it can be done without stopping, you’re always best waiting until you’re stopped to open the chin bar and not obscure your vision or take your eyes off the road. It only takes a slight bit of interference from an intercom mic or bit of grit in the mechanism and you could be toast.

The chin bar locking mechanism has metal clasps too which is usually a feature associated with more secure locking chin bars – so that’s good to see.

Comfort and Sizing

(more about comfort and sizing)

Sizing of the Valiant is about right – so follow our fitting guide and order the correct size.

LS2 has designed the Valiant to suit longer oval head shapes – so if you’ve a rounder head, you might find that it’s tight at the sides.

It weighs about 3.75lbs (1.7Kg) which isn’t the lightest helmet, but shouldn’t really cause you any problems because that’s just about bang on the average weight across all modular helmets.

Inside, you’ll find a removable and washable liner padded with lazer cut foam for a more tailored fit to the face. It’s made from a breathable and hypoallergenic material – and crucially, Valiant owners say it makes for a really comfortable helmet.

Looks & Graphics

We try and put as many graphic options as possible on these pages, but for the latest options and deals on LS2 Valiants, please check out the links to our recommended retailers below.

Looking to buy an LS2 Valiant?

Please click below to visit the LS2 Valiant helmets pages at one of our recommended stores and Amazon. And if you buy from either store, we get a small sum from the sale at no extra cost to you – a massive THANKS! (it’s how we finance the site).

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LS2 Valiant Video

Here’s a 5m30s video taking you around a plain matt black Valiant.

Other stuff – audio/bluetooth

The LS2 Valiant is designed to accommodate the Linkin Ride Pal III bluetooth communicator – that’s a bluetooth set designed by well-known intercom maker, Sena, for LS2 helmets. If you’re looking to use a different bluetooth, then be aware that the speaker pockets are pretty slim, so you’ll need to have slim fit speakers otherwise they might well be uncomfortable.

This one’s the Valiant Lumen in full face mode.


With the LS2 Valiant hitting the shelves, there’s now a further option if you’re looking for a modular helmet where the chin guard rotates right to the back of the helmet.

And the Valiant offers good value for money too. For a reasonable price, you get a full-featured helmet that should work well anywhere from a daily commuting helmet to a touring helmet.

Cons? Well the top venting is a bit limited, the speaker pockets are shallow and, like most modular helmets, it’s not the quietest. But on the plus side, it’s good value, has that really practical chin guard that flips back out of the way, has a useful wide shield with Fog Fighter coating and a drop down sun visor. And it’s rated as really comfortable by most owners.

And the great news now is that when SHARP tested the ECE version of the LS2 Valiant, it scored an excellent four stars for safety (and the chin bar scored a high 97%). So, if you’re after a dual homologated – flip-right-over modular helmet, the LS2 Valiant’s excellent value and well worth a try.

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Good Alternatives to the LS2 Valiant?

If you’re after a great performing flip-front helmet, then here’s some beauties to check out.

We’ve gotta mention the two Sharks which are most similar to the LS2 Valiant.

There’s the Shark Evo One 2; that’s a flip-over modular that’s been safety rated by SHARP with an excellent four star rating. It comes with a Pinlock in the box and is a tad lighter than the LS2, though it’s a tad more expensive too.

And there’s Shark’s other flip-over helmet, the Evoline 3. That was safety rated by SHARP as 5 star, has a drop down sun visor and is good for glasses wearers.

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Looking to buy an LS2 Valiant?

Please click below to visit the LS2 Valiant helmets pages at one of our recommended stores and Amazon. And if you buy from either store, we get a small sum from the sale at no extra cost to you – a massive THANKS! (it’s how we finance the site).

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Star Ratings

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review-of-the-ls2-valiant-ff399-motorcycle-crash-helmetThe LS2 Valiant is a thermoplastic flip-over modular helmet. It's got a great face shield system including a drop down sun visor and class one optical shield. It's comfy too and that chin guard mechanism is super easy to use. It's a bit noisy, and the top vent's a bit rubbish according to owners. But other than that, it's a good value modular that should offer excellent protection and that should work for everyone from commuters to tourers (but probably not best for sportsbike riders).


  1. Got this helmet and glue was coming loose right out of the box. Never even wore it yet. Sent in for warranty and the sloppily glued it on one side, left other side unglued. Looks like a sloppy glue gun repair. Warranty and customer service is a joke and a very poorly made helmet.

  2. Like the helmet. Definitely go a size higher than your existing helmet. Had a HJC IS-MAX2 XL and ended up having makers of LS2 send me XXL padding kit. About the same as HJC for noise. The issue I found with the LS2 Varliant is the ability to use comms for touring bikes. You can’t put the clamp on setup on this helmet as the sun visor lever is where the comms normally go from every mfg.. And the wiring has to go behind the neck roll wire. Normal helmets slide and or snap in. Someone didn’t think this part out for sure. For this reason I am thinking of buying a new helmet. And I have only wore this a couple times. But one you wear them your locked in.

  3. Purchased my Lumen in July of ’18, when I first wore it, the helmet was of course tight, The Glasses area is bogus. But a real comfy helmet once situated.
    2 months into purchasing the right side of the chin bar came loose. there is 1 bolt holding the mechanism onto the helmet which was worry some.
    My worries were well founded as last week a Co-Rider friend of mine with a valiant was involved in an accident. In his situation visor down and clicked. the visor popped open and he ended up with critical facial injuries. The accident was as he approached a stop. at a max of 30MPH.
    So I do believe if a manufacturer is going to make a modular they better damn make sure it isn’t prone to opening up under stress. I will not wear my LS valiant again. It’s like rolling the dice.

    • So sorry to hear about your friend – that really sucks. Really hope he pulls through OK. Yes, that’s the worry with modular helmets and as you say, it can be a roll of the dice. Only the UK’s SHARP helmet test reports on how safe the chin bars are on modulars – and obviously that’s on UK-spec helmets which may differ from US helmets. If you’re after a modular with a solid chin bar, then Nolan group helmets like the X-Lite X-1004 and Nolan N91-Evo are a good bet as their chin bars have been proven to be solid – at least up until 8.5m/s which is faster than some tests (but still a poultry 19mph).

  4. i bought mine as soon as they came out. Mistake.
    This product idea (helmet and integrated custom Sena ridepal 3 bluetooth unit) sounded good on paper. The helmet has a “glasses friendly” logo on each side, yet I could not get even the thinnest glasses through to my ears. I had to cut channels in the styrofoam. I also had to cut foam out to accommodate the stock speakers, although the helmet fit perfectly. And of course, there’s the defective Sena unit (will no longer charge), awkward controls, inferior speakers… Also, no matter how many times I’ve washed the padding, it still leaves black die in the pores of my skin on my forehead that does not wash off easily, almost a year after buying it. The internal sun shade mechanism works well, but the shield itself distorts vision, rendering it useless.The whole thing’s flawed, I hope it’s not still in production in the original form.
    When the Sena unit stopped charging, I was told by the dealer and Sena that LS2 was responsible for any warranty claims. I’ve been in contact with them and was told they’d send a replacement (still waiting a month later.) I asked for a refund, no dice. I’ve taken a non matching unit and velcro’d it to the outside of the helmet. The whole point of this LS2/Sena product was to avoid an outside installation.
    The helmet construction is an improvement over my Shark Evoline 3 (similar design), with the exception of their failure to provide adequate space for glasses and speakers.
    With this design you expect wind noise, but this helmet also provides a “howl.” On my first ride in it I mistook the howl for a siren. This whole situation has been a waste of effort, and money.

  5. I purchased a LS2 F399 Valiant this week. Put the first 90 miles on it yesterday and another 130 today — riding in 100+ degree weather. This is a very comfortable helmet. Great view. Not too hot with the chinbar in place and very comfortable with the chin-bar retracted. Noise level is a little higher than I would like. I am coming from a Shoei Neotec I, which is miserable in hot weather and LOUD. For ventilation, there is no contest. LS2 has 4 or 5X the air movement. I can feel my hair moving inside the helmet.
    View is spectacular. Sun visor actually comes down far enough to keep out of your line of sight. I recommend.

    I bought the Sena Linkin III designed for this helmet. DON”T waste your money. LS2 needs to re-negotiated their deal with Sena. The fit is nice, getting the unit to work…… ain’t happened yet. And the response from Sena tech support — we will have a specialist call or email you next week.


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