About HJC Crash Helmets

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HJC crash helmets are known for two things. First, they’re widely available with pretty much all stores that sell crash helmets in the US having at least a small selection. Secondly, they’re relatively cheap. They don’t tend to have helmets at the top end of the price range and seem to make reasonably priced helmets which are well featured.

That’s no accident of course. It’s HJCs stated goal to produce helmets that offer great performance at a very competitive price. And talking to dealers, they’ve also got a great reputation among buyers too so it seems like it’s all going to plan for HJC.

HJC crash helmets was established in 1971 and currently make helmets in three manufacturing centres; in Vietnam, Korea and China, which HJC state are designed to satisfy entry-level buyers as well as mid and high end of the markets.

Their facilities include a wind tunnel, which not all manufacturers can boast, and this helps produced aerodynamic helmets with low noise levels. Like many other crash helmet manufacturers, HJC invest heavily in materials and construction technology as well as features such as shield locking technology. And they’re pretty successful at it, producing high performing helmets such as their RPHA range that have been used across racing series from MotoGP down.

One of the features HJC have been working on is producing an aerodynamic helmet which directs the air through, what HJC claim, is the best ‘ventilation channeling system’ on the market.

This is designed to produce a slow air flow from the outside to the inside of the helmet which results in less wind resistance and noise and directs the air around the head to reduce humidity and increase cooling.

HJC produce a wide range of crash helmets covering most motorcycle categories – full face, off road, open faced – and also snowmobile helmets. They distribute their helmets to over 50 countries.

And they must be doing something right. Chatting to a couple of helmet dealers recently, they say that HJCs are their most popular sellers. And in the US, the Motorcycle Industry Magazine (now defunct) called HJC their No.1 helmet maker for many years running.

To read our reviews of HJC helmets, read our HJC section. To see the latest HJC helmet range, click to visit HJC America.


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