Z1R CC Beanie, Z1R Saturn, Z1R Warrant helmets new graphics


Z1R has just released new graphics for their CC Beanie, Saturn and Warrant helmets.

The CC Beanie is a DOT certified, polycarb half helmet selling for around $100, and their new Justice graphic is a cool urban/stars and stripes mashup.

The Saturn is also a DOT polycarb helmet, this time a 3/4 helmet with a drop down sun visor and speaker pockets. This new graphic is a Chinese/Devil combo called Devilish and available in black.

Finally, their full face Warrant helmet (also Polycarb, but this time dual DOT & ECE) has a few graphics available already but this new red/black siberian tiger stripe inspired lid is particularly striking. Also, a bit weird that they’ve called it Panthera after a Panther (rather than Tigera?) – but I digress. The price is pretty striking too – at around $130 you also get a drop down sun visor, smattering of air vents and speaker pockets.

Looking to buy a Z1R helmet?

Please click below to visit the Z1R helmets page at one of our recommended stores. And if you buy from them, we get a small sum from the sale at no extra cost to you – a massive THANKS! (it’s how we finance the site).

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